
10 Tips for Decorating Christmas Trees

Decorating Christmas trees is something that takes time, and the more time that you take you are going to find that it will look amazing. However, where most people have the problem is that they are unsure of where they should start with decorating.

10 Tips that are meant to help you in decorating your Christmas trees so that they look amazing!

1. Pick a theme that you love. You can look online or in magazines to find a theme that calls to you that you want to use on your Christmas trees in your home.

2. Take out your current décor and audit this to determine just what you need to get in order to meet the theme of your tree décor that you have chosen.

3. Prep the tree by making sure the branches are ready to go for all the décor that you have.

4. Start with putting on lights if your tree is not already pre-lit.

5. Add any garland that you are going to want to use on the tree after the lights to make this blend well into the tree.

6. Start with adding the large ornaments first onto the tree.

7. Always start hanging your décor from the top so that it does not become bottom-heavy.

8. Vary the size and texture of all the décor that is on the tree to add in some depth and beauty.

9. Use the idea of thinking in 3’s, in which you have three different but relatable types of ornaments on the tree.

10. Once the décor is up add in the tree topper and tree skirt to complete the entire look.

With these tips, you are going to find that decorating your Christmas trees this year is going to be easier than ever. And the end result is going to be something that you are super proud of!