tree with fireplace

Top reasons why you should buy a flocked tree this Christmas

Flocked trees give the perfect winter wonderland look

Many people enjoy having a flocked artificial tree for Christmas, and the reason is clear: The glistening white branches provide a warm welcome to everyone who enters, and it seems as though the first ‘merry Christmas’ they’d ever get comes from the trees.

Speaking of preference, you can get flocked Christmas trees in either real or artificial varieties. 

Manufacturers flock the synthetic types, or buyers can decide to do them themselves. A tree lot or nursery that sells real evergreens will often offer buyers the option of flocking. 

If done on a real tree, it takes away the need for watering, since any moisture remaining will eventually get sealed.

Materials commonly used on real evergreens include cellulose or cotton fibers, water, spray adhesive, mica or glitter to give it a shimmer effect, as well as fire  retardant.

This explains why this dressing is a much safer alternative when you’re buying a live evergreen.

When considering flocked real or artificial Christmas trees to buy for your apartment during holidays, consider lifespan. As a general rule, keep it in a cool, dry place and avoid excessive humidity.

Depending on the climate where you live, this might sometimes prove difficult, but it will help to extend the life of your tree and keep it from turning yellow. It will also last longer if it is properly wrapped or boxed between uses.

Why do people prefer flocked Christmas trees?

First off, people enjoy seeing snow during the holidays, even inside their homes. While the clean look of white appeals to some, others believe it makes for a more appealing display.

The bright and vivid ornaments look stunning with white lights draped over flocked Christmas trees. Meanwhile, garlands of ribbon and bright ornaments also make a festive statement.